Balanced Foundation Yoga, LLC
Michelle Baracz Offers Structural Integration, ScarWork, and Therapeutic Bodywork
Structural Integration (SI) is a holistic form of bodywork that addresses patterns held deep within the tissues. This work brings the body into an improved, more efficient balance of structure and function.
There are many variants of Structural Integration. I am certified in Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI), developed by Tom Myers who was a student of the SI pioneer,
Dr. Ida P. Rolf.
The Anatomy Trains myofascial meridians were created by Tom Myers and first published in 2001. These meridians are the framework for the Structural Integration 12-Series.
Images used with permission from Tom Myers and Anatomy Trains
The 12 sessions systematically work through restrictions in the Anatomy Trains myofascial meridians (meridians are pictured as colored lines in the image above) to reorganize your soft tissue system and optimize the body’s function and ease of movement.
The meridians are lines of connective tissue (fascia) that support and shape the body. Fascia wraps around each cell, muscle fiber, muscle, group of muscles, bone, organ, artery, vein, and nerve. It is literally the fabric that connects the entire body.
Fascia contains receptors that tell our brain where our body is in space, and thus contributes greatly to our postural and movement patterns. When an area of the body is holding excess tension, not only will that local tissue be restricted, but it will also affect the surrounding tissues and bony structures.
Imagine you're wearing a sweater and begin to twist and pull the fabric in one corner - you can see how this 'area of tension' begins to distort the fabric and ultimately impacts the shape of the entire sweater. Over time in the body, compensations form on top of compensations and the tension becomes a body-wide issue causing structural and functional restrictions. This is why often times the whole body is playing a role in local pain and discomfort, especially for recurring or chronic symptoms. This is the reason why the work of Structural Integration (SI), freeing and repositioning the entire fascial system along with re-integrating movement patterns so the body can stay in this balanced position, is necessary for long lasting or permanent results.
Structural Integration - The 12-Series
Sessions 1-4: The first 4 sessions address the superficial tissues on the front, back, and sides of the body from head to toe.
Sessions 5-8: The second 4 sessions address the deeper structures (where postural restrictions tend to be held) from head to toe. This work facilitates long-term change and will not 'hold' if not preceded by the first 4 sessions.
Sessions 9-12: The last 4 sessions integrate the superficial and deep layers to create ease, support, and efficiency.
SI - Potential Benefits
* Improved posture
* Sense of lift and support
* Ease in movement and function
* Somato-emotional release
* Increased awareness
* Increased energy
* Less aches and pains
* More resilience
* Feeling of wholeness